Scottish Terrier | 1280х849 | 310 Kb
Scottish Terrier | 1280х853 | 316 Kb
Scottish Terrier puppies | 2107х1438 | 643 Kb
Scottish Terrier | 1200х800 | 551 Kb
Scottish Terrier | 2560х1600 | 927 Kb
Scottish Terrier | 900х599 | 362 Kb
Scottish Terrier | 1024х683 | 292 Kb
Scottish Terrier | 1680х1050 | 158 Kb
Scottish Terrier | 1024х680 | 250 Kb
Scottish White Terrier | 1600х1200 | 271 Kb
1024х682 | 278 Kb
1280х1024 | 289 Kb
1280х1024 | 432 Kb
1280х976 | 512 Kb
1136х640 | 264 Kb
1280х774 | 215 Kb
The Scottish Terrier, also known as the Scotch Terrier or Scottie, is a small but strong and active dog. Their funny and recognizable appearance is very conducive to themselves, and the dedication and ability to feel the mood of the owner make this dog an excellent family friend.
Scottish Setter (21)
Briard (15)
Chinese crested dog (23)
Irish Wolfhound (20)
Irish Terrier (12)
Poodle: Poodle (20)
Dalmatian: Dalmatian (19)
Doberman: Doberman (19)
Beagle: Beagle (20)