Angora cat | 1170х767 | 61 Kb
3110х2073 | 428 Kb
1600х1067 | 617 Kb
Angora cat with multi-colored eyes | 1600х1067 | 597 Kb
Angora cat with multi-colored eyes | 1965х1290 | 183 Kb
1600х1067 | 729 Kb
Young angora cat | 1440х900 | 158 Kb
1632х1068 | 225 Kb
2048х1315 | 217 Kb
1600х1067 | 561 Kb
1600х1067 | 591 Kb
1600х1067 | 842 Kb
At home in Turkey, Angora occupied a privileged position. Graceful beauty, the only animal that was allowed access to the mosque. The basis for such respect was her colorful eyes, the same as those of the Prophet Muhammad. Here is a photo of an Angora cat with multi-colored eyes.